Wednesday 28 October 2015

Tuesday 20 October 2015

The Movie 'Regression': Regression Therapy


The first thought I had was, 'repeating', which is a reading habit that can be found among certain students. However, when I watched this movie, it was totally out of my expectation. I would say that  Angela (casting by Emma Watson) had done a great job.

Monday 5 October 2015

Mr. Police Please Don't Saman Me

This morning my housemates and I woke up super early & planned to have breakfast together at the Mamak stall. It was dawn time (around 5.30am). No people. No car on the road. No noise. The whole city was still asleep.

So here we went. I drove until we reached a traffic light.

Red light.

I looked around. There were no car either from the left and from the right. I decided to continue driving. There was a car behind my car, which also followed as i went off the T-junction.

After a while, that car drove to my left hand side and asked me to stop.

Opps! It was a policeman?!

Friday 2 October 2015

Chocolate! Chocolate!

Last week I did not attend the company trip as I was not feeling well. 
I was disappointed because I actually planned to buy a lot of chocolate... ... 
Too bad for me.