Monday 5 October 2015

Mr. Police Please Don't Saman Me

This morning my housemates and I woke up super early & planned to have breakfast together at the Mamak stall. It was dawn time (around 5.30am). No people. No car on the road. No noise. The whole city was still asleep.

So here we went. I drove until we reached a traffic light.

Red light.

I looked around. There were no car either from the left and from the right. I decided to continue driving. There was a car behind my car, which also followed as i went off the T-junction.

After a while, that car drove to my left hand side and asked me to stop.

Opps! It was a policeman?!

My housemates were shocked. Me too. So we stopped by the road. He asked for my IC and driving license. Then, he asked me to went out from the car. I felt a bit hesitated. Who knows if he is a real police or a fake police? There were cases which fake policemen appeared in certain areas to rob people.

He was angry and raised his voice, saying, "Come out at once! You thought that I am a fake police?"

I prayed to God in my heart, "God, let me be safe."

He said, "You just drove through the red light, I have to saman you."
(saman in Malaysia refers to red light ticket.)

Oh no! Not again! I didn't want to pay for it!

He  checked and copied not just my IC & license but my housemates' as well. Then he said, "Oh, all of you are so young! Is it true? What are your occupations?"

After we answered him, he was thinking for a moment. I was very nervous looking at the saman booklet that he was holding. Please no saman, please no saman.

Then he said, "please lah, next time before you drove through a red light, you have to look around & check first. I was just behind you. OK lah, this time no saman for you."

Oh my God! Thanks a lot my dear God!

I won't do it again. (sob with thankful heart T.T)

However, in my mind, next time if I am given a chance again, I may violate the rules again. This is the weaknesses of human mentality.

We always stick to our wrong thoughts. We violate certain rules just because there is no one who is watching. We do not concern about others. We do not listen to our conscience. We learnt moral but we threw it away and said, "It is something fake. We cannot survive if we behave in such a stupid manner." My parents told me about that since young. But they expected me to become an obedient child who can follow all the rules. Isn't that contradicting & confusing?

What kind of mentality we are having?

Are we really having the best mentality? If it is the best, we would have the best life in the world, isn't it? Why would we still living in such a situation where the economic is low, the corruptions are on going, and people hating each other?

A bad mentality leads to bad family and bad nation.

Our destinies change according to our thoughts & actions (Pastor Joshua Jung). It is just like solving a Math problem. The first time you use addition to calculate it but it was wrong. the second time you try again using addition again, the answer will still be wrong. The third time you use addition to calculate again, will the result be different? No.

Same goes to our life.

When we use the same thought to live our life, our life will not change and remain the same. Our destiny will be the same. Our nation will be the same.

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