Tuesday 20 October 2015

The Movie 'Regression': Regression Therapy


The first thought I had was, 'repeating', which is a reading habit that can be found among certain students. However, when I watched this movie, it was totally out of my expectation. I would say that  Angela (casting by Emma Watson) had done a great job.

It's actual meaning is 'a return to an earlier stage of life, or a supposed previous life, especially through hypnosis' (Oxford Dictionary). Yes, in this movie, 'regression therapy' was used to reveal the suppressed memories of a few characters. The psychologist asked questions to unveil the detailed moment in certain past experience of the client.

In the movie 'Regression', the puzzles slowly resolved through regression therapy sessions with the father, brother & grandmother. Scratches of memories started to flow out after being asked, again and again. Sometimes, they were required to focus their mind and looked carefully into the other person's face in their memories. Thus, the secret revealed.

Abuse? or Satan ritual sacrifice?

More and more details came out from all those people's memories.

Even the detective himself experienced it. When he listen to the recording, again and again, he started to feel it. The 'people' who mingled in the crowd, trying to threaten and kill him, were after him.

When people were exposed to certain information repeatedly, it will gradually slip into the mind unconsciously. A very common example is advertisement. When you listen to an advertisement over and over again, one day it will just pop up in your mind automatically.

It seemed the same in this movie.

In the end, it was a great twist. Who was the mastermind? Was it really Satan? Or it was the false memory created in the regression therapy? A blank space was left for our own judgment.

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