Friday 22 April 2016

5 Feelings you have if you are BURNOUT

If you are feeling these, you may experience BURNOUT:

1. Everyday is bad.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...... name the day and each day is a blue day, may be black day. When you wake up, when you go to school, or when you go to work, it is just so suck.

2. Exhausted, all the time.

Feeling extremely tired as if the energy is drained out regardless of what you do or where you are, mentally and physically. Even though you may already had a long night sleep or a nutritious meal, it just doesn't help.

3. Seems wasting energy if you want to care about your work or your life.

Basically you just couldn't care less about everything in your work, family or other things. Well, since you couldn't make a change, you feel that you might as well just let it be. Sometimes or most of the time, you remain cold or disengage from the others.

4. Overwhelming by most of the task 

The job is too tough or too dumb for you. 

When I was handling a very tough class, I felt out of control throughout that period of time. Seeing the students who couldn't listen and obey my instructions, with the overly high expectation from the parents, the job turned into a nightmare which horrified me.  

5. Anything you do is worthless or unappreciated

Most of time, you feel helpless because whatever you had done did not really help to improve or were not adding values to the job itself. Sometimes you did not get positive feedback from the others, making you feeling unappreciated. Sometimes your effort just doesn't pay off. 
(info from:

It is really scary if you did not realize if you are having BURNOUT because it will drain you physically and emotionally to the extend where you will loss motivation to move on to anything. You will feel stuck. These feelings are going to trap inside you.

It happened to me. I even felt depressed and anxious each day before I went to work, sometimes even felt like wanted to cry. Even after the tough class finally ended after one year, I found out that I had lost my interest and energy to do any other things. 

If you are having BURNOUT now, try to get yourself out of the stress. My bible teacher, Pastor Joshua Jung Myeong Seok taught how to have good thoughts especially when facing difficulties, "What you feel depends on how you think. This is true no matter what you do. If you think it is difficult, you will feel it to be difficult. If you think you are happy, you will feel yourself to be happy."

Therefore, try to regain the positive thinking by changing your perception towards the task. It is normal to feel tough especially the task is new to you. Now when I look back to that tough period, I realized that it wasn't that tough anyway. Difficulties, will past. If only I could change my thought at that time, it won't be so hard and so stress. 

However, if you always think that "Awh! That's not going to work." or "Ouch, it is out of my hand!" or "This is too bad" then even the easiest task will be the toughest. When you are feeling positive about it, it will be easier for you to overcome it.

Thus, change your mind first before you proceed to the difficult task.

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