Monday 11 April 2016

If today was your last day, don't wait

If today was your last day of life, would you be regret for not trying hard enough?

During an interview with the students, one of the student had this question: "If the earth is going to burst in 10 minutes, what would you do?" 

The boy thought for  a while and said, "I would like to apologize to my friend. For being nasty and treated him badly."

"Well, why not now?"

"Hmm, not now, I don't feel comfortable to tell the truth yet," he said.

"But if you don't tell now, you may not have chance to tell him later. Try to do it before you regret." I advised.

"Nuh, it's hard to say it now. The feeling is hard, " he frowned.

No Matter what work you do, you must do it at the right time.
Only then will problems be solved.
No matter whether the work is big or small,
taking action at the right time to solve it is so great.
                                                                                   - Pastor Joshua Jung

We tends to take life for granted. It seems endless before the day came. So we bypass the matters which we feel hard to solve. 

We misunderstand each other but we never explain. 
We quarrel but we never make peace. 
We hurt others but we never care much.  
We regret but we never reveal our true feelings.

If today was your last day, would you still do these?

Bronnie Ware witnessed the top five regrets of the dying. One of it was:
I wish I'd have the courage to express my feelings.

If today was your last day, would you regret that you never say "sorry" to the person that you had hurt?

If today was your last day, would you be regret that you never say "thank you" to the person that you really appreciate?

If today was your last day, would you be regret that you never say "I care for you" to the person that you miss a lot?

When you can smile, don't wait until the bad days come.
When you can paint colors, don't wait until the colors fade.
When you can clean a dirt, don't wait until the dust pile up.
When you can heal a wound, don't wait until it becomes worsen.
When you can brighten the day of someone, don't wait until the night comes.
When you can hold a person's heart, don't wait until the person lose the heart to someone else.

When you can try really really hard,
Don't lose your hope.

If today was your last day, would you be regret 
that you never make your life or perhaps the world more beautiful?

Just like time, love at the right time and take action at the right time.
                                                                              - Pastor Joshua Jung

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