Tuesday 19 April 2016

Long Long Time Ago (movie)

Long Long Time Ago, there was a lady named Zhao Di. 

Being abandoned by her mother-in-law after her husband died, pregnant and no place to go, she had to bring her three daughters back to her father's house in the village (kampung). She was being looked down by her father and younger brother, Ah Kun and had a hard time living together with them.

However Zhao Di had a very best friend named Osman who trusted and helped her a lot. In the beginning of the movie, when Osman met Zhao Di at the place where she worked as a worker to wash clothes, Osman actually offered his helping hands to wash the clothes together. I laughed because Osman accidentally took the lingeries when he wanted to helped Zhao Di, and then he said, "this one I cannot wash... that one also I cannot wash (hmm, quite sad) ".

From the right: Osman's wife, Osman & Zhao Di

It was because Zhao Di helped Osman to sell his nasi lemak in her husband's kopitiam (coffee shop) before, so Osman actually helped to introduce Zhao Di to a person who taught her the skill to make soil bean drink and tofuhua (soil bean pudding). Later on, Osman helped Zhao Di to find a place in the wet market to sell her soil bean drink and tofuhua.


It has been a long time since I saw such innocent and kind person. Both Zhao Di and Osman maintained a good relationship even until they got an opportunity to own their own stall in a foreign investment factory.

The most touching part was when rumors of Malay-Chinese conflict spread out, Osman still send his kuih to Zhao Di's house just because he had promised her. He threw away all the negativity about the conflicts even though everyone was so worried. But Osman was frightened by Ah Kun who pointed a sharp bamboo at him when he arrived at Zhao Di's place.

When he went back to his own village, the Malay villagers were gathering with extreme worries, anxiousness and aggressiveness. However, Osman still said everything was fine in the Chinese village.

Then Zhao Di came to the village to explain everything. With the help of Osman, they managed to calm the villagers down. The amazing thing was both of them created nasi lemak plus soil bean drink set meal as a sign of harmonious in the factory's canteen. Their combined efforts aided in creating a peaceful environment.

Rescue scene in the flood

What touched my heart was the kindness of Osman. When the boat came to save his family in the heavy flood, the first thing he asked the officer was, "sudah pergi rumah Zhao Di belum? (have you went to Zhao Di's house?)" He really cared.

The most horrific thing was when Ah Kun was fighting with the GIANT SNAKE (yes, giant snake! Watch out!). Zhao Di shouted for help and Osman just swam to her side without any hesitation. (Wow! I don't think I am dare to go though. I was almost fainted when the giant snake RUSHED out!) Soaking in the water which leveled up to adult's chest, he fought with his life to save Ah Kun. Just imagine, it was dark, with the muddy water up to your chest, couldn't see anything underneath the water and the snake might just come from any direction and ATTACK you!

When you put your life on the line to help your friend, that is at the extreme level of friendship.

People help each other when they trust,  are close to and love each other.
It is the same with God,  the Holy Spirit and the Holy Son.
Do not think that they will help you just because they are 'Divine Beings'.
Try calling them,  seeking them and loving them.
Try to do that to an extreme degree.
- Pastor Joshua Jung Myeong Seok

The value of helping each other comes when people trust one another, like Zhao Di and Osman. Both of them went through thick and thin, even to the sense that Osman had to fight with his life. If a person can do to that extreme level, not to mention about God.

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