Saturday 23 April 2016

It's Too Hard! I Quit: Dealing with People who Give Up Easily

There was a boy in the class who is very sensitive, especially towards the reactions of others. 

In a game where everyone has to explain the words so that their friends can guess it, once his friends showed a little bit of doubt, he would immediately say, "What? I quit!"

In another game, where everyone try to express their emotions, once he felt that it was too difficult for him, he said, "It's too hard, I quit!"

In another game, which is like dodge ball, he was the first one to get hit and out of the game, he immediately say, "It's not fun, I quit!"

Dealing with someone like that is not easy, especially when you are the leader. You may have team member who is quite sensitive like the boy. Whenever there is a risk to fail, your member would say something like "It's too hard", "We're not going to make it", "It's impossible" etc. and then he/ she would not even try at all. Yeah, sometimes it may be hard but Audrey Hepburn said, "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible!' " However, they just feel that it is too hard for them. They feel lack of power and lack of control over their choice.

Fear of failure is perhaps the greatest fear because you never try anything new. You would rather stay in your comfort zone in order to feel secure. But how much sense of security can you save if you are doing NOTHING to change the difficulties?

However, when you are dealing with people who give up easily, regardless of children or adults, of course it is inappropriate to scold them for not being motivated. Some encouragements are good to help to boost their confidence. First, you must understand that  being hopeful is not a thing that comes naturally, same goes with being hopeless. They come by LEARNING.

People learn to be hopeful as well as hopeless through experiences. Behavior psychologist like Skinner had done lots of research and found out that animal learnt to be helpless when they could not change the situation after many trials. It is the same with human. People who give up easily acquired that behavior through learning as well. They may have failed for too many times to the extend that they don't even dare to try anymore.

Pastor Joshua Jung Myeong Seok once thought that, human being must learn and know. It is only by learning and knowing that they can raise their level. People are affected by what their eyes see, what their ears hear and by how they learn. Thus, a person who feel hopeless and give up easily must first LEARN how to be hopeful. Later on, when they can see the success, their perception will be change slowly.

Thus, if you wish to encourage them, you have to help them to LEARN to be hopeful and to LEARN the right skills to accomplish that task/ to overcome that difficulties that they are facing. 

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