Friday 15 April 2016

Empathy: Word Hurts

Word Hurts.

When we hurt other people, we could not feel their pain. Sometimes, we might even ask that person to be tougher, thinking that it is not a big deal. Even if you apologize, that wound will still exist and the pain will still carry on. How could you expect the other person to let the pain go so quickly?

Even if you are a person who could let it go so quickly, it doesn't mean that the other person could do it as well. 

Empathy, is a must in order to feel the pain of others. Using your own feelings and your own way to understand others are DEFINITELY NOT empathy. It is forcing others to accept your opinions.

If you only wearing your own shoes while trying to understand the other person's feeling, you won't be able to understand the true feeling of others. What kind of shoes is he wearing? What kind of feeling he is having when he is walking with that shoes? When the other person said that he/ she feels uncomfortable, you may think that he/ she is making a big fuss, just because you are wearing a cozy sports shoes.

Empathy, just like the proverb says, "Put yourself in the other person's shoes", you must take off your shoes and wear the other person's shoes. Only then you will realize, "Ah, this is how hard he is feeling! This shoes are torn and weary!"

You must take off the shoes of your own perspective and thoughts.
The the Holy Son's thoughts will enter your mind and the things you lost will come to mind.
                                                                                                                - Pastor Joshua Jung

When you take off your own shoes, your own perspective disappear and empathy come to mind.

Same goes to understanding God, Holy Spirit and the Lord Holy Son. It is not enough if you judge Them by using your own perspective of thoughts. When you take off your own thoughts, all the biases, worries and doubts disappears while new thoughts from the Holy Son will come to mind.

The thing that you had lost, will come from the Lord Holy Son.
The heart of love, that you had lost, will come from the Lord Holy Son.

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