Friday 18 March 2016

Bowling: Not so hard?

Last night I went for bowling with my colleagues. I am not good, or I can say that I am really WEAK in bowling. But who cares? Just went for fun after a long day of working.

All of us were not good bowlers. Some people got strike occasionally but not me. Haha, I always aimed at the gutter. We laughed a lot and had fun.

Somebody even tried some funny way to roll the bowling ball.

Opps, unfortunately it didn't strike!

After one game, our ball got stuck in the transferring line, ended up we couldn't continue playing. The technician came to rescue. He was an ordinary, plump middle age man. He opened the machine and checked.

Then, all of us got shocked when he rolled the bowling. Seemed like he just simply rolled the ball and he got strike! Twice! Wow, how did he do that?

Then he just said, " Just roll the ball. Relax."

Alright, let me try! Just roll the ball? So I just threw the ball into the lane and... it went into the gutter again. (>.<) Are you kidding with me? How could you just roll the ball without any effort and you got strike? Please forgive me, I am not a professional bowling player.

Learning is to do many times. (Pastor Joshua Jung)

I guess I have to do it many times then I will learn the skills.

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