Wednesday 9 March 2016

Help! I have Anxiety!

Have you ever experience "Anxiety"?

According to WebMed, ANXIETY resembles the symptoms below:
  • Feelings of panic, fear, and uneasiness
  • Problems sleeping
  • Cold or sweaty hands or feet
  • Shortness of breath
  • Heart palpitations
  • Not being able to be still and calm
  • Dry mouth
  • Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
  • Nausea
  • Muscle tension
  • Dizziness

A person was diagnosed with anxiety disorder. 

Before that, he has been complaining about aches and illness around the body since a few months ago. After driving for long hour, he said his back was pain and went to take a X-Ray. The doctor said he may lower back pain and gave him some medication. However, he continually found out pains around his body which the doctors could not explain. Upon this point of time, he became more and more anxious, thinking that, "I'm having serious illness, OMG! OMG! I'm going to die!" 

One day, he could not help but just felt so panic! There were a lot of things that were out of his control and that made him suffocated!

In the end, he went to a psychiatrist and was diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder. Because that is a psychiatrist so he was given some medicines that would help him to cool down when the anxiety attacks him.

However, he did not settle down with the medication. Constantly, he became anxious and worried on the anxiety attack. 

"When will be the next anxiety? I don't want this to happen anymore! It nearly killed me! That feeling! Horrible!"

The mind is made through action. 

The more he was worried, the more anxious he felt.
Because of all the worries, frights and anxiousness, he experienced more and more anxiety attacks. It felt like never ending and killing his spirit.

Looking at this person reminded me of what Pastor Joshua Jung once said, "The Mind is Made through Action." Somehow we are what we think and somehow we are what we did. It is because he kept on thinking about the anxiety, the mind really got affected and became more anxious. Usually, a person who has anxiety disorder would worry about the anxiety attack, more than the original cause which sparked the anxiety disorder. That's why the anxiety attacks became more frequent. 

If  you are having this difficulties, you can actually change it through your action!

Since the mind is made through action, whatever you do will affect your mental state and inner peace. For example, when you listen to relaxing music, you will feel more relax and at peace; but when you listen to rock music, you will feel agitated. Same goes with anxiety.

When you are worry and think about anxiety, your brain accept this input that "the anxiety is coming soon". Thus, your brain prepares you to transform into anxiety state, which will cause your body to experience the suffering. 

Thus, in order to stop the anxiety feeling, first you have to stop thinking about the "anxiety". 

Advices from WebMed:

1.Challenge negative thoughts.
Ask yourself: Is this a productive thought? Is it helping me get closer to my goal? If it's just a negative thought you're rehashing, then you must be able to say to that thought: 'Stop.' "That's difficult to do, but it's very important," Ross says.

2. Learn to relax.
You may even need "breathing retraining," Ross adds. "When people get anxious, they tend to hold their breath. We teach people a special diaphragmatic breathing -- it calms your system. Do yogameditation, or get some exerciseExercise is a terrific outlet for anxiety."

Your heart must be strong like steel. (Pastor Joshua Jung)

To overcome anxiety, it is to be strong in your mind. But of course, get help from your friends and family or even a therapist.

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