Friday 25 September 2015

Calculation for Caffeine

With the previous finding about the types of coffee, somehow I realised the reason why I can only drink Americano. Based on the following websites, there are some differences in the amount of caffeine contain in each type of coffee:

Americano Coffee contains 12.83 mgs of caffeine per fluid ounce (43.39mg/100 ml).
Source: caffeine informer

Due to the lower caffeine content in Americano, I do not experience any allergic symptom when I drink Americano. This is a great news for me! I thought I could not enjoy coffee forever and ever.

Unfortunately it is very difficult to "standardize" the caffeine of coffee beverages since numerous variables need to be considered, including:  
  • Beverage Size - are we comparing a cup at 4oz, 5oz, 12oz or 24oz?
  • Blends - many roaster create their own blends of various beans each with subtle difference in caffeine content
  • Bean Type - is the blend 100% arabica, robusta or both?
  • Grind - was the coffee prepared with a fine grind, ultra fine grind, coarse, etc?
  • Water Temperature - was the coffee prepared with the recommended 195-205°F temperature range?
  • Milk - was milk added or not - as this will dilute the caffeine content
  • Others - machine type, dwell time, etc. 
All these factors make the calculation of caffeine in coffee beverages a real challenge.  
coffee chemistry

If you calculate wrong, it is a completely different world. CALCULATION enables you to ‘judge’ well. Therefore, you must calculate well.
(Pastor Joshua Jung)

Thanks for the calculation for caffeine! 

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