Wednesday 30 September 2015

The Bowl of Prayer

One day, God sent three angles to collect prayers from the people. Each angle was given a gigantic bowl.

" You can come back when the bowl is full," God said.

Each of the angles were required to collect different kinds of prayer, that is
1. Thanks giving
2. Begging
3. Repentance

So the angles took the bowls and went to the Earth.

In a split of seconds, one of  the angle came back!

God was surprised, "why haven't you depart? Change your cloth and depart immediately!"

"Oh, God, I had went to the earth and came back." The angle answered.

"What prayer that you have collected?"

"It is the prayer of begging."

"Hmm, I knew it!" God said.

After one month, the other two anlges had not came back. God felt very curious and contacted one of the angles through spiritual phone.

" Hi, where have you been? Have you involved in a car accident and didn't manage to come back?" God asked.

"God, I had went to everywhere but the prayers that I collected were too little." It was just a little bit at the bottom of the bowl. The angle said, " I am afraid that it will take me more than 10 years to fill up the bowl!"

"What kind of prayers that you are in charge of?" God asked.

"It is the prayer of thanksgiving."

People rarely give thanks to God. We only offer up thanksgiving at certain circumstances especially when we receive something.

However, Pastor Joshua Jung emphasized on giving thanks to God even though you did not receive anything, even though you are facing difficulties.

In the bible, David offered the most thanks to God in any circumstances, even when he was chasing by King Saul. We can see it through David's poems, Psalms.  Psalms 100 is one of the example.


Do you give thanks to God even though you did not receive any grace today?

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